Sunday 17 December 2017

Banking Abbreviations


A To Z Banking Abbreviations 

ADB-Asian Development Bank
ADF-Automated Data Flow
ADR-American Depository Receipt
AEPS-Aadhaar Enabled Payment System
AIF-Alternative Investment Fund
AIFI-All India Financial Institutions
AIIB-Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
ALCO-Asset/ Liability Committee
ALM-Asset Liability Management
AMFI-Association of Mutual Funds in India
AML-Anti-Money Laundering
ANBC-Adjusted Net Bank Credit
APBS-Aadhaar Payment Bridge System
ARC-Asset Reconstruction Companies
ARCIL-Asset Reconstruction Companies India Limited
ARM-Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
ASBA-Applications Supported by Blocked Amount
ASSOCHAM-Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATM-Automated Teller Machine
BBB-Bank Board Bureau
BBPS-Bharat Bill Payment System
BCBS-Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCSBI-Banking Codes and Standards Board of India
BHIM App-Bharat Interface for Money Application
BIRD-Bankers Institute of Rural Development
BIS-Bank for International Settlements
BOP-Balance of Payments
BPLR-Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
BRBNMPL-Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited
BSBDA-Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
BSE-Bombay Stock Exchange
BSR--Basic Statistical Returns
CAG--Controller and Auditor General
CAR--Capital Adequacy Ratio
CARE--Credit Analysis and Research Limited
CASA--Current and Savings Accounts
CBDT--Central Board of Direct Taxes
CBLO-- Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation
CBS--CORE Banking Solution
CCEA--Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
CCIL--Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CD--Certificate of Deposit
CDR-- Corporate Debt Restructuring
CDS--Credit Default Swap
CECA--Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CEPA--Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CIBIL--Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
CII--Confederation of Indian Industry
CMS--Cash Management Services
CORE--Centralized Online Real-time Exchange
CP--Commercial Paper
CPFF--Commercial Paper Funding Facility
CPI--Consumer Price Index
CRAR--Capital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRISIL--Credit Rating Information Services Of India
CRM--Customer Relationship Management
CRR--Cash Reserve Ratio
CSP--Customer Service Point
CSR--corporate social responsibility
CTS--Cheque Truncation System
CUB--City Union Bank
CVA--Credit valuation adjustment
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
DPGDeferred Payment Guarantee
DPNDemand Promissory Note
DRATDebt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
Differential Rate Of Interest
DRTDebts Recovery Tribunal
DSCRDebt Service Coverage Ratio
D-SIBsDomestic Systemically Important Banks
DTAADouble Taxation Avoidance Agreement
ECBExternal Commercial Borrowings
ECGCExport Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
ECSElectronic Clearing System
EDFExport Development Fund
Electronic Data Interchange
EEFCExchange Earners Foreign Currency Account
EFSFEuropean Financial Stability Facility
EFTPOSElectronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale
European Investment Bank
ELSSEquity Linked Saving Scheme
Equated Monthly Installment
EPFOEmployees’ Provident Fund Organisation
EPOSElectronic Point Of Sale
Exchange-traded fund
EXIMExport Import Bank of India
FATFFinancial Action Task Force
FCAFinancial Conduct Authority
FCCBForeign Currency Convertible Bond
FCNRForeign Currency Non-Repatriable account deposits
Foreign Direct Investment
FEDAIForeign Exchange Dealers Association Of India
FERAForeign Exchange Regulation Act
FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Foreign Institutional Investor
FIMMDAFixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association of India
FINOFinancial Inclusion Network Operations
FIPBForeign Investment Promotion Board
Foreign Portfolio Investment
FPOfollow-on public offer
FRBMAFiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
FSLRCFinancial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
FSRASCFinancial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee
Free Trade Agreement
GAARGeneral Anti Avoidance Rule
GDPGross Domes

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